2013年7月18日 (木)
Asian food for a summer heat.../暑い夏に、アジアン料理
It is our third summer in the South of France...
Yes...already 3 years that I left Japan...
I am missing my friends cameramen, writers, people from magazines and medias, editors, cameramen, collaborators, former staff, teachers, students,...To all of you thank you! Thank you! I wish to have a chance to visit as soon as possible to meet you...
But by the way, the South of France, and particularly the Languedoc Roussillon and the city we live in, Béziers are very enjoyable, mainly from April to October...Now it's summer season everyday is " festival" here : music, theater food, wine, laughing, it's really fun.
We have the chance to live in the most "Art de Vivre" spot in the city. Yesterday I bought a very fruity selection of tomatoes at the Wednesday bio market, just under our windows.
And this summer I don't know why, we enjoy cooking asian food. Let me introduce our lunch on this 18th of July, it is a Vietnamese sandwich. Absolutely delicious.
In a warmed baguette we spread on both side an homemade garlic mayonnaise flavored with fish sauce.
Then we put on top some cold meat crumbled or sliced like magret de canard or cold chicken or roast beef (Chinese roast porc - char shiu porc- is the best). Salad leafs, carrot julienne marinated in fish sauce, sugar and rice vinegar then drained. Usually we use cucumber but today we used homemade watermelon skin pickles and fresh onion slices for the punch. Then, very important, mint leafs and fresh coriander...
That's great with a "Rosé frappé"...